The staff consisted of 2 part-time Legal Officers (each 50%). Of the total of 3 positions approved by Parliament for STIFA, only one full-time equivalent position had therefore been filled.

STIFA officially began its work on 1 April 2009. In the first few months, the focus was on defining processes and responding to enquiries by the financial centre participants affected by practical implementation of the new foundation law. For this purpose, information and numerous fact sheets on the new Law on Foundations were drawn up, and the website of the Office of Land and Public Registration was updated accordingly. The further activities of the authority focused on drafting various implementing guidelines for the Foundation Law Ordinance. In its first year, the Foundation Supervisory Authority also participated actively in several events concerned with foundation law, and it already established first contacts with foreign supervisory authorities.

At the end of 2009 – primarily on the basis of the reports to be submitted pursuant to article 1(4) of the transitional provisions, Liechtenstein Law Gazette (LGBl.) 2008 No. 220 – 460 common-benefit foundations and one private-benefit foundation were subject to supervision by STIFA. Accordingly, numerous submissions were made to the Court of Justice in connection with the appointment of audit authorities.

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